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¿WHAT. IS; GO(i)NG! on:

In the World, in my Life… ?


As long as there has been motion on Earth, there have been celestial bodies moving in the Cosmos.

Astrology is at least a four-thousand year old system for analyzing and describing various elements, events and psychologies of human affairs in our shared and perceived Reality.

It is a tool of ancient technology for understanding the various qualities and relationships of existence on Earth by deciphering the massive dynamic energies of the Solar system, in motion, set against a backstop of Stars and Constellations at apparently fixed stations.

As we navigate our Lives by willful decision, the inspired Lights aim ever onward in their purposeful Revolutions.

There lit the Heaven for wondering Seafarers off on journeys to far-away lands, forever told in tales of longing for their subsequent return Home.

StarLight Meds will help you get to the Heart of consequentiality regarding these synchronistic phenomena as we journey into the New Age.


Hear Your StarLight, Take your Meds

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clarity in Life by listening to the World of StarLight